Pan Fried Potatoes Make an Easy Gluten-Free Staple

Gluten-Free Staple: Pan-Fried Potatoes, Eggs, Bacon When you first go gluten free, choosing simple foods and dishes can help make the transition easier. With wheat and barley so prevalent in our manufactured food supply, taking the time to step back from what you’ve been doing and focusing on basic foods can greatly simplify the process. Gluten-free basics like eggs, meat, fruits and

Gluten-Free Staple: Pan-Fried Potatoes, Eggs, Bacon

When you first go gluten free, choosing
simple foods and dishes can help make the transition easier. With
wheat and barley so prevalent in our manufactured food supply, taking
the time to step back from what you’ve been doing and focusing on
basic foods can greatly simplify the process. Gluten-free basics like
eggs, meat, fruits and
(c) Making the Gluten-Free Diet Journey – Read story here.