Gluten-Free Blueberry Recipes for Summer

Bake this beautiful strawberry rhubarb crisp. Let’s face it. These days we need all the beauty we can get. And Spring herself is cooperating here in ole New England, serving up all the natural beauty you could ask for. There are crabapple, lilacs and apple blossoms snowing purple, pink and white. House finches, bluebirds, robins and cardinals are singing in the thicket. Lilacs are unfolding their fragrant violet petals, and canopies of trees are bursting from pale lacy green and soft sun-yellows to robust greens that filter ever higher sunlight.  And love. There is a lot of that going around, too. If you seek it out- it’s literally all around us. Everywhere you look. In kind gestures of appreciation, faith, creativity, Spirit, and camaraderie. So in spite of the awful, horrible, no good, very bad troubles that have challenged us these pat three years, the human spirit remains strong. And Spring has launched her magic to remind us that the world still holds such beauty. In

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