Are Cocoa Krispies Gluten-Free? 01/11/2024 – We get a lot of questions about which breakfast cereals are gluten-free, and we recently made up a list of nearly one hundred SAFE gluten-free breakfast cereals.

We also published a list of UNSAFE, NON-gluten-free cereals.

But the questions keep coming, especially about some of the most popular cereals that are not gluten-free.

The number of popular breakfast cereals that are not gluten-free is too long to count, and we still get a lot of questions about cereals on that list.

The latest question we’ve seen a lot is from readers wanting to know if Kellogg’s Cocoa Krispies are Gluten-Free. Cocoa Krispies are NOT gluten-free, and they are listed on our list of UNSAFE, NON-gluten-free cereals.

Also, in addition to Kellogg’s Cocoa Krispies, Kellogg’s Coco Pops and General Mills Cocoa Puffs are also NOT gluten-free, and appear on our UNSAFE cereals list.

However, for anyone looking for a similar cereal that is gluten-free, you should know that Post Cocoa Pebbles are gluten-free.

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