Gluten-Free Goddess Irish Soda Buns

Gluten-Free Goddess Soda Bread Buns with Raisins

Gluten-Free Goddess Irish-Inspired Soda Bread Buns

Originally posted March 17, 2013 by Karina Allrich. 

What to call them? It’s not exactly a roll. Or a scone. Or a muffin. It could be a bun, I suppose. (Do we care?) These raisin studded babies rise like champs, with a golden brown top and tender middle. Warm from the oven, their delightful, simple goodness satisfies the wee bit of Irish soul in all of us- gluten-free or not. 


1 cup sorghum flour

1/2 cup almond flour or GF oat flour

1/2 cup cassava starch or potato starch (not potato flour) 

1/2 cup light brown sugar

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon xanthan gum or gelatin (may omit if you shun xanthan)

1 teaspoon fine sea salt

2 large organic free-range eggs, beaten

1/3 cup oil

1/2 cup dairy or non-dairy milk

1 tablespoon Vegenaise (or mayo, or plain yogurt)

1/2 teaspoon almond extract

1 cup organic raisins or currants


Preheat the oven to 375º. Grease a 12-muffin pan, or line with paper liners.

In a mixing bowl, whisk together the sorghum flour, almond flour, potato starch, baking soda, baking powder, xanthan gum and sea salt.

Add in the eggs, oil, non-dairy milk, Vegenaise and almond extract. Beat until you achieve a smooth, stretchy batter- about two minutes.

Stir in the raisins (or currants) by hand.

Spoon the batter into twelve muffin cups. Smooth out tops with a quick swirl, using two wet fingers.

Bake in the center of a hot oven for 22 minutes until the tops are domed and golden, and firm to a light touch.

Serve warm.

Soda style breads and rolls are always best fresh baked.

Wrap, bag and freeze leftovers for preserving optimum texture.

Makes 12 rolls.


Stir in a teaspoon or two of caraway seeds if you prefer your soda bread buns with a hint of caraway. 

Use dairy if you prefer. We used organic non-GMO soy milk. 

These rolls have a subtle sweetness. They pair beautifully with soup, chili, stew and old fashioned roasted dinners.

For breakfast and tea time, serve warm with butter and jam.

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