Cruz: No gluten-free MREs for the troops – The Hill (blog)

The Hill (blog)Cruz: No gluten-free MREs for the troopsThe Hill (blog)"[T]he last thing any commander should need to worry about is the grades he is getting from some plush-bottomed Pentagon bureaucrat for political correctness or social experiments — or providing gluten-free MREs," Cruz said in a speech aboard the USS …Ted Cruz Pledges Not to Provide Gluten-Free Meals to the MilitaryTIMETed Cruz Says No Gluten Free Meals for Soldiers – What?Patheos (blog)If Elected, Ted Cruz Won't Provide Gluten-Free Meals For The MilitaryNewsyall 427 news articles »

The Hill (blog)

Cruz: No gluten-free MREs for the troops
The Hill (blog)
"[T]he last thing any commander should need to worry about is the grades he is getting from some plush-bottomed Pentagon bureaucrat for political correctness or social experiments — or providing gluten-free MREs," Cruz said in a speech aboard the USS …
Ted Cruz Pledges Not to Provide Gluten-Free Meals to the MilitaryTIME
Ted Cruz Says No Gluten Free Meals for Soldiers – What?Patheos (blog)
If Elected, Ted Cruz Won't Provide Gluten-Free Meals For The MilitaryNewsy

all 427 news articles »

(c) gluten – Google News – Read story here.